This one is from the archive. Back in 1992 I had a band in college with my friends David Novak and Kota Kakutani. The band was called Tilt-a-Whirl and it was Dave on a 2-string bass and vocals, Kota on drums, and me on alto saxophone.
We cleared many a room with this line up, putting out some crazy, dissonant, art-fuck tunes. The song is in 10/4 and the title, Bo, is a reference to Bo Derek, star of the movie 10. (Duh.) Hankering for more from Tilt-a-Whirl? Check out This Building is a Lie, a tribute to everyone's favorite radical Christian theologist, Paul Tillich. Yeah! Tilt-a-Whirl: David Novak - 2-string bass, Andrew Innes - alto saxophone, Kota Kakutani - drums Comments are closed.
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March 2022